Sunday, December 7, 2008

All I want for Christmas is....

My Hubby Home on Christmas Morning!!

So for the most part this year, I am protesting Christmas this year...I know that I am being selfish and a little bit of a brat, BUT here me out first! I love being married to Scott and since we were dating the (second time) I always imagined what our first Christmas as a married couple would look like...we would wake up at our house on Christmas morning...he would bring me coffee in bed...we would make up open presents in our pajamas....get in the car and drive over to my parents house to open presents...his mom, dad and sisters would come over for brunch...and we would just hang out all day.

This is just merely a dream in my head that will not be a reality for me! The fact that it will not be a reality brings tears to my eyes when I even think about it just a little. Scott has to work on Christmas day and will not be home until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It is hard to hear lots of people's comments about how it is not that big of a deal, its just a pagan holiday, he will be home in the afternoon, so what if it's your first Christmas, BLAH BLAH BLAH. In my opinion Christmas is about spending time with the ones you love, making memories and enjoying each other's company. I dont really want to make any Christmas memories with out the human being alive that I love most, SCOTT! I love my family dearly, but I have a special love for Scott. Part of me is just wanting to lay in bed depressed on Christmas morning and not do anything until he comes home. I dont know what I am going to do yet, accept be a BRAT and protest it until it comes around and I HAVE to make a decision .

The one thing that we have done so far to celebrate Christmas is go get a tree with my parents.

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