Sunday, March 22, 2009


I got your attention huh? We don't actually have human babies, instead we have bearded dragon babies!!! Our bearded dragon eggs have finally hatched and we have 13 baby bearded dragons that have hatched and that are healthy, active and crazy as can be. It was all in all a cool process to watch and go through. Our bearded dragons Jessie & Woody have mated (several times ACTUALLY) and Jessie laid eggs in about January and we placed them in an incubator to see what was going to happen. The eggs grew, turned white, sweated and a little baby popped out. Funny stories of two of them hatching: one who pushed the lid of the container up and hopped out and ran all over the incubator, the other was of a little baby that jumped out and ran all over pour spare bedroom floor and Scott chased him caught him and then placed him in the cage. LOL I still have yet to touch any of them. My students love asking me questions about them and I think that maybe we might sell one or two of the babies to some of them.
Jessie has been pregnant three times already and is ready to lay her third clutch (set of eggs) tomorrow and the next clutch should hatch by mid April. If you want one leave me a message :)

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