Tuesday, February 17, 2009



1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.
3. confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
4. a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
5. the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
6. the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
7. charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someone's trust.
8. something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility; charge.

In marriage this word is sometimes easier to say and harder to apply. We did it!!! Scott trusted me and I filed our taxes online and saved us over $100 DOLLARS!!! What a day of growing for us both. I pray that we never stop growing in our marriage and our trust of and in each other!!!! Happy day for us :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

3rd times the charm

Carla and I have tried THREE different times ladies and gentleman to compete in the Camp Pendelton mud run together over the course of our wonderful friendship.

1st time: She was hurt in a jet ski accident (much longer blog for another day)
2nd time: her friend (that's me) was a flake and forgot to sign up with all of the hustle and bustle of life
3rd time: WOO HOO we did it! It was so much fun to go through and we did enjoy it. I made us cute camo tank tops with purple and pink puffy paint on them. We sort of ran most of it. We went to Walmart (at 5:15 in the morning) and bought a water proof camera to take to commemorate our journey. Here are a few of my favorites.
Scott was such a trooper and got up early with us in the morning and drove down with us to the mud run at 5:15 and then hung out. He watched us run through the starting line and came back to watch us finish. what was funny is the fact that covered in mud I asked some random marine if I could use his phone to call scott to find him. It was so cool. Scott was very supportive but drew the line at standing next to me and not giving me a hug when I was covered in mud. Yep, that's my hubby...isn't he GREAT!!
Carla and I had neither really been seriously working out which made running in the mud bowl more of a killer anyways. There is this KILLER hill, I think the marines call it the hill of hell. We both made it to the top after we ran through training grounds where there are bullet shells on the ground and such! It is a hill that goes up this ridiculous incline and well we made it to the TOP. That's all that MATTERS!
The funny part about the next to pictures is the story that goes with them. Carla and I were swimming through this icy cold lake and at the end we had some professional take our picture with their camera and then with our water proof one. I sort of am running up this muddy little incline and oops slip and fall flat on my face! LOL The camera took a picture of my shorts and then after that our camera was covered in mud! (we didnt realize it) and the rest of our adventures have a smear through them from the mud :( Sad day because there are so cool ones, I guess we just have to run it AGAIN!!! To check it our yourself go to: http://www.camppendletonraces.com/mud_sat.html

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My wonderful day off

As a teacher I do not really use my sick days when I am physically sick because all teachers know how much work goes into actually getting a sub and would rather just come to work then exhert all the extra energy. Today was a day that I just needed to take off and relax because life was getting too crazy and i had an orthodontist appointment. Today started out pretty wild, I forgot to call in my sub and did not realize that until 8:05, yes school does start at 8:00. Oh well...Scott easily helped me get over the fact that I am human and do make mistakes. Went to my appointment and everything was dandy, sweet now I get to drive back home.

When I got home Scott surprised me, he said lets go play 21 at the park...ok sounds like a good to me. We went and well the score was Scott 21 me 2, I am AWFUL at basketball BUT it was fun to run around and exercise with my love. Then we went home ate lunch then I worked on school stuff and then Scott said hey lets go run to the park. I asked him if he was serious and he was !?!?!? so we ran to the park and back...on the way he said I have a surprise, umm okay what sort of surprise...Us doing 50 push ups and 50 sit ups and then 40 lower lab sit ups. Sounds fun huh?

Actually this might sound like a sarcastic blog, but it is not. I am really trying to make exercising a priority and he is simply helping me out which is so awesome. The plan is that on Mondays & Tuesdays after work we are going to work out, then on Wednesday we will "work out" at youth group and then Saturday and Sunday work out in the morning together and rest on Thursday and Friday. I am so excited and can not wait!