Saturday, May 30, 2009


I am so happy for one of my best friends CARLA!!! She met an amazing man of God! He sent her flowers on Thursday and he popped the questions today!!! Yea lots of fun wedding stuff is definitely in her future!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Blessing Monday

I have been so deeply encouraged by a family at my church who is going through a rough time with their treasure from heaven who was recently diagnosed with spina bifida. I read their blog and tears welled up in my eyes as I read all of the blessings that God has given them. I have decided that I am going to take Mondays and blog about my blessings, no matter how big or how small. One day I figure out how to make a cute little logo for it, but for now here I go...
  • I am blessed to be married to a man who takes care of me, so when I called him sicker than a dog at Joshua tree, he stopped what he was doing and came out to get me and took care of me.
  • I am blessed to be apart of an amazing youth group that when I was "ready" to rock climb they were so right there to encourage me.
  • I am blessed to have an amazing mom who encourages me in my marriage and life without even knowing it.
  • I am blessed to have a great dad who on his prep ran to the kaiser & Starbucks to bring me benadryl and coffee to help with my allergic reaction.
  • I am blessed to have friends old ones and new ones to love me, encourage me, and support me in the things that I do.
  • I am so blessed to have a day off from work, to honor those who have died for our country.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My New Mondays...

I have been so deeply encouraged by a family at my church who is going through a rough time with their treasure from heaven who was recently diagnosed with spina bifida. I read their blog and tears welled up in my eyes as I read all of the blessings that God has given them. I have decided that I am going to take Mondays and blog about my blessings, no matter how big or how small. One day I figure out how to make a cute little logo for it, but for now here I go...
  • I am blessed to be married to the man of my dreams, who gets to sleep with me each and everynight
  • I am blessed with a home to live in, although most times I do not count it as a blessing
  • I am blessed with two wonderful parents, who love me and encourage me...right when I need it
  • I am blessed with 7 awesome siblings who for the most part get along and love each other despite our disagreements
  • I am blessed with a handsome nephew who loves bubbles and can always make me smile
  • I am blessed with a church family that is sharing God's love with others.
  • I am blessed to have a sixth period class, that almost daily reminds me that I am a human being who needs God to get through each moment of the day.
Won't you join me in Counting your blessings on Monday's in honor of the little treasure

Friday, May 15, 2009

Coffee, my need for day to day life

( reasons to Drink Coffee

Ask anyone who knows me: I am a certified java junkie. I'm naturally energetic to begin with, but I rely on my caffeine companion to power me through long days, tough workouts and piles of work. I can even have three cups a day—including a dose after dinner—and still sleep soundly all night. Lucky for me—and the 87 percent of Americans who consume caffeine daily, with the average java drinker gulping down 8 ounces a day—more research is proving that coffee is actually healthy for you. So go on, have that latte without guilt. As if you needed more inspiration, here are some brew benefits to prove that sipping is smart:

It helps you shed pounds
People who drank more metabolism-firing caffeine gained less weight over 12 years than those who cut back on the coffee, say researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.

It powers your workouts
Downing coffee and toast between back-to-back workouts can keep you humming, a study from the Journal of Applied Physiology reports. Athletes who drank a caffeinated carbohydrate beverage after cycling had 66 percent more glycogen (an energy reserve) in their muscles than those who had a caffeine-free version. Replenishing glycogen helps you go farther and faster in your next session. Do you run on caffeine?

It helps you wake up refreshed
Drinking a cup of coffee immediately before taking a 15- to 30-minute catnap can leave you alert and rested after waking up, according to research from The Sleep Research Centre, Loughborough University in Leicestershire, England. Caffeine takes a half hour to kick in, so it will rouse you after a short snooze. Try these tips to sleep your way gorgeous.

It can ward off illness
Increasing your coffee intake may prevent liver cancer, The National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Stockholm, Sweden, finds. Two cups of java daily lowered a person's risk by 43 percent on average. In another study from University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, women who drank coffee had a 24 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease and other inflammatory conditions. Antioxidants in coffee are likely behind the protective benefits.

It can ease muscle cramps
Women who had the caffeine equivalent of two cups of coffee the day after their quadriceps were stimulated (as if they'd done squats) felt 48 percent less leg pain within an hour, research from the University of Georgia in Athens reveals. Caffeine may block the body's receptors for the ouch-causing chemical adenosine, scientists speculate.

It makes cardio feel like a cinch
Women given the caffeine equivalent of about two cups of coffee an hour before cycling reported 40 percent less pain than those who went decaf, according to a study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Caffeine seems to block neurotransmitters that signal discomfort during exercise, researchers say.

It helps you get want you want
Dealing with a difficult person? Broach a tough topic over a cup of joe. Caffeine may make people more open to persuasion, the European Journal of Social Psychology notes. Researchers say it hones cognitive function, causing skeptics to be more receptive to a convincing case.

It may fight breast cancer
Young women drinking four or more cups of caffeinated coffee daily reduced their breast cancer risk by 40 percent compared with nondrinkers, a study in the Journal of Nutrition finds. The caffeine and polyphenols in regular coffee protect against cancer. Worried about getting the jitters? Even two cups every day can help. And try these risk-reducing recipes as well.

It improves recall!
Caffeine perks up short-term memory, a study from the Medical University of Innsbruck in Austria reveals. One cup of coffee may be all it takes; drink it before a big meeting to be your sharpest.

Want a delicious, lowfat treat that packs coffee's powerful punch? Bake up a batch of warm chocolate cakes with coffee creme anglaise.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


This past few weeks have merged all together and emerged as one bib BLAH!!! That is scary, sad, silly, and stressful to think of all at the same time. Life has been falling into a routine, not necessarily one that I enjoy. I have been exhausted and always ready to take a nap. That is not too good to me, but I think I know why. My Aunt flo is coming into town and as soon as she arrives my energy shall emerge:)

School is going good I am learning more and more about patience and truth. I love talking with my students about things in life. My favorite part is when I get to "learn" their stories and listen to their lives and learn about their hurts. My second favorite thing is when a trajedy strikes them, they need advice, and or encouragement and they are in my classroom at lunch to share and listen. I LOVE BEING A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!!!!

Craigslist is amazing to me right now Scott is looking for a weight lifting bench (for Him) and a running machine for me!!! That really excites me because exercising (mainly running ) is a huge stress reliever that I am MISSING right now.

I cant think of anything else because the blah is right there in my face.

Monday, May 4, 2009

NOT Me Monday

I do not think that I will do this often but after a few crazy things that I did I just have to partake in the fun and laugh with all.

Not me, I would never wake up on time, leave, get a starbucks on the way to work, begin my teaching day, run over to make photo copies at 11am to realize that I had put two different shoes on, nope not me.

Not me, I did not call my husband to tell him of my funny and he laugh at me. Nope not me.

Not me, I did not decide that everyone should laugh at my wonderful day and send them a picture message. My dear friend Carla did not ask if I had taken a pregnancy test lately nope not her. I did not insist that I AM NOT pregnant. She did not persist right back at me to let me know about my test later that night...nope not us.

Not me, one of my dear friends Connie did not text me back and ask if it was a joke, nope not her. I then did tell her it was for real, she did not text me back and ask if I was teaching at work. She also did not ask if I was going home to change ( a round trip from home to work is 90 minutes) nope not her.

Nope not me, I did not go on the rest of my day and laugh at myself, nope not me...Even when my 5th & 6th period classes asked, "Mrs. Rollins what is wrong with your shoes?" I did not pridefully show them my mismatched shoes, nope not me.

Nope not me, I am not going to ask my periods 1-3 what was wrong with my clothes on Friday, and give extra credit to anyone who knows, nope not me:)