Monday, September 20, 2010

sigh of relief

Well this last week of school was a little less smooth than I had hoped for. I read the wrong chapter, was overwhelmed with work, and had way too many commitments that I needed to follow through with all at once. See the problem is not necessarily school, its the fact that I said yes to several things before there was school. I had gone along in my merry life with out anything to really occupy my free time so I filled it up with lots of other things to do! The sad tale is that all of these things I love to do and have had a ton of fun doing them. I knew this day would come when I would start saying that simple little word no. I hate saying no because I love to be active and do things. If I tell you no it is because I have too many other things right now on my plate that I can not say no to. I am looking forward to being done with my master's and I have barely even started:( Yikes that almost sounds like bad news. AH WELL!!! We shall see, we shall see.

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