Monday, May 4, 2009

NOT Me Monday

I do not think that I will do this often but after a few crazy things that I did I just have to partake in the fun and laugh with all.

Not me, I would never wake up on time, leave, get a starbucks on the way to work, begin my teaching day, run over to make photo copies at 11am to realize that I had put two different shoes on, nope not me.

Not me, I did not call my husband to tell him of my funny and he laugh at me. Nope not me.

Not me, I did not decide that everyone should laugh at my wonderful day and send them a picture message. My dear friend Carla did not ask if I had taken a pregnancy test lately nope not her. I did not insist that I AM NOT pregnant. She did not persist right back at me to let me know about my test later that night...nope not us.

Not me, one of my dear friends Connie did not text me back and ask if it was a joke, nope not her. I then did tell her it was for real, she did not text me back and ask if I was teaching at work. She also did not ask if I was going home to change ( a round trip from home to work is 90 minutes) nope not her.

Nope not me, I did not go on the rest of my day and laugh at myself, nope not me...Even when my 5th & 6th period classes asked, "Mrs. Rollins what is wrong with your shoes?" I did not pridefully show them my mismatched shoes, nope not me.

Nope not me, I am not going to ask my periods 1-3 what was wrong with my clothes on Friday, and give extra credit to anyone who knows, nope not me:)

1 comment:

Carlee said...

That photo did make my day when it came through on my phone. You are TOOOO funny, and I love the pregnancy test story.