Wednesday, July 11, 2012

First Sonogram

The pregnancy progressed well with no real morning sickness, just fatigue.  The fatigue caused me to be late to work one day so I told my boss.  Next person told was Scott's boss because Scott wanted to go with me to the first doctors appointment.  We waited over the next eight weeks to see the doctor.  We went to the doctor and waited what felt like forever to be seen.  Once we finally were in we waited longer too.  Then the time finally came in!!

Then the sound that changed the rest of our lives forever came.  We were able to hear our babies heart beat for the first time!! Tears of joy filled both of our eyes! We could not believe that we were ACTUALLY pregnant.  Then came surprise number 2.  We thought that I had gotten pregnant sometime in the middle of January like the 15th or something.  From what we read the baby would be approximately be an inch long.  We looked at the screen and the doctor was measuring our baby.  What we would soon find out was that the baby was not 2.54 cm was actually 3.27 cm long!! What did that mean?!?!?!?!?!  It meant that I was not 8 weeks pregnant, but actually was 10 weeks!  The doctor gave us two pictures and commented about how active our bundle of joy was.  Baby was healthy and all...we were both beaming with joy.

My mom was excited and nervous at the same time when we called her to tell her about the doctor's appointment.  Since I was STARVING I was eating and so Scott called my mom for us while I ate.  My mom freaked out a bit over seeing Scott's phone because she thought something was wrong.  Much to her relief everything was okay with all three of us and now she could start telling everyone our news after we told the youth group.  She was able to tell anyone she wanted that I was expecting.  My mom got to tell her sisters and we told my dad's family at a family gathering.  I got to tell the youth group all together that I was pregnant and then it was posted on fb with our first sonogram picture.

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